
Tomorrow’s Post Today

Dear [Sort-Of Marketing Manager]

When we were speaking on the phone yesterday, towards the end, I didn’t really understand what you were saying. (Not when we you were answering me about the posters but your last four or five sentences after that.) The connection wasn’t the best so I missed some words at the beginning and I was trying to remember to do something else at the time. I really tried to catch up but I couldn’t!

I literally have no idea what you were talking about and you could probably tell. Was it anything I ought to know?

This might be the stupidest e-mail I’ve ever written.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not the best listener in the world, so sometimes when people are talking, I have them repeat the last thing they said, so I can kind of catch up without them realizing that I haven't been listening at all.

Blogger thisismarcus said...

Good strategy! But how do you ask them to repeat it without letting on you weren't listening?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'm sorry, could you repeat the last thing you said?" That way, it's like I admit I wasn't listening, but they only think it was for a second. Or if it's over the phone, I'll say something like that, and it appears that I just couldn't hear them, not that I wasn't listening :)

Now you know my secret, so if I ever say that to you, you'll know I wasn't paying attention!

Blogger tenderhooligan said...

I have to confess, I couldn't really make head nor tail of this post.

I don't have a strategy for getting anyone to repeat things (if that is indeed what you were after) because I think I always listen.

Blogger The Paranoid Mod said...

I'm sure you've written me stupider ones in the past.


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