
The Spoiled Life

Paris Hilton is a stupid selfish whore. Oh, be as rude about her as you like! She's famous for having sex on video, taking drugs on video and being racist on video so she can't accuse other people of lowering the tone.

Paris Hilton is going to jail. Probably. Her counsel went with the I-forgot-I-was-banned-from-driving-when-I-drove defence because it's vacuous enough to be true, but she got 45 days of glorious incarcertion anyway. Try showing a paparazzo your coochie from in there. You can't, can you? Where's your rat-dog now?

But Paris Hilton thinks she deserves special treatment and has petitioned Gov. Schwarznegger to intervene. People who think celebrities (and I use the term loosely, like I called her a "woman") should not be above the law are counter-petitioning. Please, Lord, give us this one thing.


Blogger tenderhooligan said...

I agree completely. But she will get her way, I have no doubt.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure that jail time is the solution, although I absolutely agree that she needs some discipline. If she goes to jail, she'll turn her experience into a novel or something, and I can't have that. I'd prefer to see her do something "demeaning" a la Naomi Campbell and the sanitation business. She should have to do 45 consecutive days intensive community service or something else that might actually serve a purpose--something she has yet to do with her life.

Blogger The Paranoid Mod said...

I remember when you were in the States you mentioned her, and I didn't know who she was. Happy days. Apart from being a bit worried that this rant gives her yet more publicity in a constituency not known for its fascination with blonde stick people, nice rant. Couldn't agree more.
Trouble is, KK, whatever happens to her it'll get thrown back into the reality tv celebrity exclusive industry and we'll have to watch her expressing her "pain". So it goes.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're probably right, but at least if she's going to profit from the experience in some way, so should a deserving community. I don't like the idea of her sitting around in a jail cell doing nothing. She does enough of that.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've just read here that they're talking about halving her sentence already. Good Lord!

Blogger thisismarcus said...

Love the community service idea, kitkat. Everything else about her stinks. I fear I have lowered the tone of my blog!

Blogger James Lindsay said...

I'm in favour of giving her "the Chair" for her various crimes against humanity

Anonymous Anonymous said...

But she said she would DIE if you she went to prison. human life should be worth something right? I men she would DIE.


Blogger Basquiat Scrawls said...

I can't believe you guys can be bothered to expend so much energy hating someone who has no relevance to your lives. You know what(she says stepping on to her soapbox)it is incredibly easy to avoid the likes of Paris Hilton if you just don't watch crap TV or buy rubbish celebrity magazines. She may be an awful role model and epitomise everything about greed and stupidity that you despise but hating her sure as hell ain't gonna help you live in a more peaceful way. Sorry but i felt one rant deserved another!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that it's not too difficult to avoid Paris. I can't remember the last time I saw her on TV in fact. However, I'm never a fan of ignoring a problem in hopes that it'll just go away on its own. I think that Paris Hilton symbolizes a much bigger issue, and her existence makes us aware of greed, selfishness, and misplaced values. Personally, I don't hate Paris. I don't know Paris. But I hate what she represents, and I'm okay with expending energy to feel that way. It reminds me of what I do believe in and how I certainly do not want to be.

Thanks for letting me borrow that soapbox.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You evil heathen scum. Paris is delightful. Gov Scwazzenegger rox. You are the vacuum cleaner one. Silly boy.

Blogger thisismarcus said...

Anon (not Brad): The vacuum cleaner one? "Silly boy" makes me think this is someone I know...

Basquiat: What kitkat said. The glorification and celebration of stupidity and selfishness is worth fighting IMO!


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