
The "Now That's What I Call A Party" Party

The U.S. has libertarian minority (one of those words was redundant) political parties too. Several oppose the government for its abuse of power and advocate a return to true constitutional democracy. Now who's being un-American?

Check out the Guns & Dope Party, with their fine Photoshop skillz. Beneath the silliness and the ostriches, they have a simple and serious message that I can't help but support: "if I'm not harming others then let me be free to live my life as I want". Statistically speaking, it's probably easier to prove you're not harming anyone else on dope than on guns...

Constitutional democracy – and how to avoid it – is also the main theme of the bestselling America: The Book from the makers of The Daily Show With Jon Stewart.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really really want one of these...

Blogger thisismarcus said...

Mod: remind me 4-6 weeks for delivery -- I mean, before your birthday.


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