
Where I'm Blogging From

I cleaned the place up a bit this weekend, so now I can have guests over. Come on in. It's only small but it's big enough for my humble needs.

The room is square, plus a hall and bathroom. Behind me is the kitchen area. I sleep in the corner, like a damn dirty dog. I finally got my Alex Ross up on the wall. My plant can't decide whether to live or die, no matter how much water and/or sun I give it. It's been this way for months now. I like it here because it's $550 a month including utilities, and the space is all mine. (By the way, if you see anything you like then take note: if I have to leave in a month's time then everything will need a new home quickly. Much can be given away or loaned indefinitely...)

Yes, my CDs and DVDs are alphabetized. I stopped caring once and couldn't find what I was looking for - never again! Brad will tell you the last time I moved we taped up the shelves and carried them as they were rather than packing my CDs in boxes. I couldn't face sorting them again and it was only a three-block move.

I used to live here (the pin should actually be one block west, on the U-shaped apartments) and now I live here on the north-west corner of the n-shaped building, above the m-shaped building. When I worked, it was here. Hence the phrases "is he on campus?" and "that's off the map". Zoom out on the Google maps to answer the most-asked question from my friends overseas: where exactly is this Norfolk of which you speak?

The apartment complex looks eerie at the back at night. It used to be a hotel (pictured above). I think my room was a store room.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zoom further out on the Google maps to discover that the world is not a sphere at all, but merely an endlessly repeating pattern of landmasses. Good thing we have the pin to show us which America you live in, Marcus!

Blogger thisismarcus said...

That's odd! Good spot, G.


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