
Fun And Games

Since Ireland, I've been to Reading, Oxford, London and Brighton. Leaving the house is the new staying in. Next week I go to Holland so I need to share some tales before that part of my brain fills with fresh nonsense!

Reading: Is where I work. No big whoop. Keep READING.

Dublin: My V.I.P. was A.W.O.L. all weekend so I ambled around outside, which is where you must go to smoke now or face a $3000 fine. England goes smoke-free soon and I'm prepared for it following Ireland; I welcome the kind of camaraderie I saw there. I also saw how this city squandered its millennium money (cf. the Millenium Dome/Eye/Square) and the only bridge in Europe that's wider than it is long.

I returned to the internet cafe and met Sophia from France. We got confused over our different pronunciations of "hierarchy" and she theorised that Torchwood had no moral code. (I swear I didn't start it.) We had a drink but, predictably, she had to leave to meet her girlfriend. They're either too married, too young, too into girls or have too many kids - or I don't meet them. It's the rule that makes my love life funny.

I met a colleague in Bruxelles then walked back to The Burlington (i.e. my gaff), stopping to donate to the Anglo-Czech Integration Fund en route. I was pleased to meet Veronika and Iveta. They cheered me up about cancelling a trip to Nottingham with Phil for a work-related wild goose chase. Veronika was the better dancer.

Oxford: Alice chided me for the above then cooked a fine meal.


Blogger Kathy said...

and she theorised that Torchwood had no moral code...

Well, I think we all know that Jack's might be shaky, but at least he didn't flood the world with Cybermen like his predecessor.

Yeah, I don't think Torchwood keeps morality at #1.

Blogger thisismarcus said...

Three cheers for the English Empire!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I believe she didn't chide so much as poke fun at boys and their willies. ;)


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