
S3E10: Blink

I don't have enough info to understand how adding a Christmas Special to the production roster means two regular episodes have to be filmed simultaneously - or why that means one episode needs to be "Doctor-lite" instead of making two episodes where He's in it half of his normal screen time or three where He's only missing a third - but it does.

Should Kathy's grandson have been able to ring the bell that summoned Sally to the door and left Kathy alone with an angel when being alone with the angel is a fundamental event in the creation of the grandson in the past? The forums at Outpost Gallifrey are usually alive with debate about what's ontologically possible in a show about a man who travels in a box that's bigger on the inside than the outside. Get some perspective!

For copyright reasons, the D.V.D. shop has films no-one has ever heard of. That can't be good for business.

Monster Voices Man makes a cameo as a policeman. I am the geek.

"This is my timey-wimey detector. Goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at thirty paces - whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow."
I'm fairly certain He wouldn't take Her to the moon landing four times because it would mean crossing His own time stream. I've no idea what that means or why it's bad but it's been cited as a reason not to use the T.A.R.D.I.S. loads lately.

Making the mundane terrifying (scarecrows, statues, etc.) is one thing the show excels at. The final sequence served no purpose whatsoever except to scare the bejesus out of little people and I heartily approve!

"Got to dash. Things happening. Well, four things. Well, four things and a lizard."
Stephen Moffat is my favourite scriptwriter not least because his endings never resort to blowing things up: tonight He won with a chess move. Moffat is also the brain behind Jekyll. I hear the Fan Plan is to make that an unmitigated ratings success so the B.B.C. take him seriously when it's time to replace Russell as producer on Who. Sounds good to me.

Have we been on a roll since the break for Eurovision or what? Next time: the return of Captain Jack AND Sir Derek Jacobi!


Blogger C said...

Is he a Dr. Who scriptwriter? OMG, I had no idea. The man is the most consistently brilliant scriptwriter I can think of.

Blogger thisismarcus said...

Really? Cool! I guess you know Coupling and perhaps Press Gang? :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved it too. By the way, have you heard that fan plan from anyone but me? I was never especially keen on COUPLING, but his DOCTOR WHO is always tremendous.

Blogger thisismarcus said...

Shig: You are indeed my only source for that but it's such a good idea I thought I'd spin it as The Plan. Enough people on O.G. would not complain if it pays off!

I didn't like the characters on COUPLING but there's an episode where the same conversation plays out twice (in two different languages) and the clever use of dialogue in BLINK brought that back to mind. I like such tricks. I once tried to write a scene where someone is talking to himself but time flows in opposite directions on each side of the conversation, making it (in effect)a big palindrome. I gave up.

Candace: I forgot to say that you can watch the episodes at http://www.tv-links.co.uk/show.do/1/26. Moffat's are THE EMPTY CHILD, THE DOCTOR DANCES, THE GIRL IN THE FIREPLACE and BLINK and they're all brilliant.

Blogger C said...

Awesome! Thank you for the links and the titles, Marcus. You rock!

I love Coupling. :) The dialogue just has so many brilliantly witty moments. I kept wondering who could write such fun interplay between all the characters while keeping their voices consistent, and then I foud out it was just one man. **Guiness ad voice** Brilliant! :)

I think the epi you mentioned with the two languages is one of my favourites. Especially where Jeff is asking the woman's name and she thinks he's asking how to say "breasts" in Hebrew. Muahaha! But Jeff's gobblydegook made up language is masterful, too. :)

I also like the one where he showed what happened at the same time in two different places via split screen, dropping dialogue in on e and then the other (if I remember right.) Mr. Moffat has a lot of very clever tricks up his sleeve. :)


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