
S3E09: The Family Of Blood

Baines is an instant-classic villain and he's a schoolboy. I prefer a villain that you can look in the eyes so it's a good thing that bodysnatching aliens are also very easy on the F/X budget.

The tears on the schoolboys' faces as they machine-gunned the advancing enemy put a lump in my throat and Daughter Of Mine (a little girl with a red balloon) daring them to shoot her was sinfully good!

David Tennant will look like Bill Nighy when he's older.

Five epilogue scenes?! The Return Of The King has a lot to answer for.

"He still visits my sister once a year, every year. I wonder if one day he might forgive her. But there she is - can you see? He trapped her inside a mirror. Every mirror. If ever you look at your reflection and see something move behind you, just for a second, that's her. That's always her."
So it wasn't The Doctor's usual ingenuity that saved the day but the sacrifice of a human, John Smith. We saw the fulfilled life that He wasn't going to get to live any more and how much He didn't want to let it go. The Doctor dished out vengeful punishments like the lord of time and space that He really is - not the man that ran and hid at the beginning of the story because it was the most compassionate solution for all concerned. I was speechless - if you don't count saying "this is so good!" every two minutes - and Alice needed a tissue. That was great television.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of tears at Dr. Who, I've heard. Even from those you'd least expect it. It was excellent stuff.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had lunch on Saturday with people who'd already seen it, and they assured me I'd cry. Braced to be manly, I therefore didn't, although it was touch and go.

You're right, Marcus--the actor who played Baines was tremendous; he just got better and better as the two-parter went along. I also thought both the leads were on good form. Martha does it for me.

Your use of the capital "h" in "He" chimed in with one of my colleagues saying, "Ooh, very daring, the Doctor as Jesus". Certainly there was a strong, perhaps deliberate whiff of THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST about the flashes forward to the life he'd never have, because he had to sacrifice himself to save the rest of us. Whatever, it rocked. Bring on BLINK next Saturday.

Blogger thisismarcus said...

I welled up a little more than I should which I will now excuse by saying it was the last thing I was expecting. GIRL IN THE FIREPLACE still gets me and I've seen it six times.

Apparently Baines was Will Scarlet in Robin Hood and he's 25!

Did your lunch mates spoil it for you? Had you read the book anyway? Was it very different?

I'm not convinced by the trailers for BLINK but I trust in The Moff.

I increasingly suspect that Martha won't be with us much longer, based on Freema's Jonathan Ross interview and the way the BBC denied the story that she had been sacked. The clues were in what they didn't say.


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