
S3E08: Human Nature

Last Sunday I fiddled with the Mod's video recorder until it recognised Freeview and my reward was taping the re-run of Doctor Who when we went out. Phew! I wouldn't have missed this story for all the tea in China.

The teaser scenes get better and better: this time, we're under attack from an enemy that can follow us anywhere in space and time AND the Doctor's adventures as we know them are only dreams. Beat that, other shows!

"Tell me, Jones... with hands like those, how can you tell when something's clean?"
Life imitates art somewhat with this episode's love interest, Jessica Hynes from Spaced, who recently changed her stage name to her married name. I guess she finally decided he was a keeper. I find that very romantic.

The metaphor of dancing for carnal relations continues. Drink an aphrodisiac (and put your rubber dancing boots on).

John Smith's Journal Of Impossible Things is the prop that every fanboy wants for Christmas. How warmed were the cockles of my heart to see the face of the forgotten Doctor, Paul McGann, in the middle of the page?

Invisible spaceships are easy on the F/X budget.

The ship has a chameleon circuit and a chameleon "arch"? You can teach an old dog new mythology!

"The Doctor has an eye for the ladies. A girl in every fireplace."
5. The fifth rule of T.A.R.D.I.S. Club is never talk about T.A.R.D.I.S. Club.
6. Don't feed me after midnight.
7. Wake me up when I'm Peter Davison.

The new series is now long enough in the tooth to do a Best Monsters flashback.

Machine guns at school seem odd, even in 1913 with a war brewing. If it ain't a set-up for shooting some aliens later then I'll eat my hat.

There were too many great lines this week. You'll just have to watch it. Martha is so capable compared to her predecessor (Her "sardines and jam" scene, for instance). Rose was lovely but they simply didn't give Billie Piper this kind of meat to work with. And The Amazing Tennant got to play a brand new character, albeit quite a Doctor-ish one. Here's hoping Part Two tonight doesn't cock it all up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not getting the Rose/ Martha comparison you have here (and not just because I have a firm favourite). I think Rose was just as inventive when the moment demanded it, if not more so. ;)


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