
Love's Labours Won

11.29pm EST: It's almost 4.30am British Summer Time so most of my counrtymen will be waking up to confirmation of what was on the cards all along. The result for Corby - wherever that is - just came in and the score at full time is 324-149-49. Both Brighton Pavilion and Bristol North West held their Labour councils, which is handy as I'll most likely live in one of those when I eventually go back to the motherland.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's nearly the best result we could get.

It's going to be tough for that madman to pass any more of his anti-freedom laws with the mass of opposiotion against him. Just a shame we won't get the existing tragic laws of loss of civil rights recinded.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The evening after the morning before. Remind me why extreme lack of sleep was justified to watch a bunch of lawyers regain power?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

4.30am waking up?
Went to bed at about 5.30am. Peter Snow is an utter genius and makes the whole thing a show unot itself. Think of those who are really into Eurovision - well I get the beers in, keep thge kettle boiling and enjoy watching Peter Snow's Red, Blue, and now also, Yelllow, graphics all over the screen.

It's almost like watching someone play Total War and as a student of Political Science I find it highly enjoyable as well as informative.

Good Blog

Blogger thisismarcus said...

Welcome, Count! (I'm gonna have to watch my typos now I have to spell your name.) And thanks for the compliment, your Highness.


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