
Top Five Doctor Who Companion Crushes

1. Romana (Lalla Ward, late 70s)
125 years old and looking good on it. Not a screamer.
2. Sarah-Jane (Elisabeth Sladen, mid-70s)
Didn't take any shit from anyone, but still screamed and said "Look, Doctor!" a lot.
3. Zoe (Wendy Padbury, late 60s)
There's something about a rocket scientist in tight plastic pants. I regret being too young to see her in action.
4. Susan (Carole Ann Ford, mid-60s)
Ignore the fact the actress shares my mother's maiden name.
5. Rose (Billie Piper, now)
The quality of the new series helps her make the grade. Her dialogue has been a cut above that of her predecessors, and her smile (for "smile" read "uncontrollable tongue") doesn't hurt any either.

Admire my restraint for not listing the one who posed nude with a Dalek for Playboy... I realize a cognoscenti of about three regulars will know who these people are and they won't necessarily thank me for reminding them which one they crushed on and, by extension, how old they are.


Blogger Dave(id) said...

Can't say I've knowingly laid eyes on any of these fine "Marcus-Approved" ladies but I can only trust that they are/were hot.

Any post that uses the word cognoscenti deserves some sort of reply.

Blogger Trundling Grunt said...

Sarah-Jane - absolutely
Lalla Ward - yes indeed. What about Mary Tamm who also played Romana? No stirrings there?
Zoe - ok.

Never that keen on Leela (sp?) - for some reason I found her faux primitive rather annoying. Many people found her appealing but not my type.

Dr Grace Holloway?
Daphne Ashbrook?

And I know you had the hots for Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart in your latent homosexual phase - admit it!

Blogger thisismarcus said...

TG: I will admit to no latency whatsoever! The other Romana was indeed nice but a little haughty, which is weird considering she came from Coronation Street and her successor was the Rt. Honourable Sarah Ward (or some such quasi-landed guff.)

Leela was a great character - it's always fun to watch someone other than a contemporary of our times (making Turlough really the only interesting companion of the 80s). Did you hear Sarah-Jane's back next year? GILF!

David: Thank you. You know I don't waste time with non-hotties.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

... and a bit over two years later, I stumble across this and marvel at the similarities in tastes. My own preference would be to swap #1 and #3, but everything else is a go.


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