
How Am I Driving?

Good God was I ever pissed off last night I'm back I was gonna write and I'm in a bad mood because a two and a bit hour journey from Luton airport took four I'd been sick my entire trip to Galway my stomach was doing somersaults as I sat in traffic near Heathrow I had a hunch I wouldn't feel up to my planned trip to London today nuts too mad to even be bothered with grammar just get this bile out of my system.

The M25 was at a standstill so I avoided it completely, going via Harrow. (Around this time I regained the use of my punctuation.) I calmed down as I got closer to Bristol because getting home and to bed looked increasingly like it might actually happen. I stopped for a coffee and the barista was really friendly to me. What a difference a smile can make to a person's day!

By the time I got to the M32 I was smiling and leftfield re-workings of Radiohead classics filled the car. I sang along and thought how Keep Left Unless Overtaking would fit right in on a Radiohead set list. I saw that slogan on a driver information screen over the motorway recently and dreamed of a new era of peace on Britain's roads.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You poor thing! Sorry you were sick and had bad traffic on top of that. No good. But welcome back.

Blogger thisismarcus said...

Thanks, guys. I can't seem to keep any food in my system and the novelty has definitely worn off.


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