
Holidaying At Home

Midsummer's Day has passed already and I'm taking a full week off for the first time this year. Is it any wonder I felt stuck in a routine? About a month ago I considered throwing it all in for something closer to home - until I remembered that our bonus scheme pays out in October. More on that idea in November...

Including weekends and days scheduled to work from home, I'll be away from the office for eleven whole days! I worked hard last week so no-one could grumble while I was gone. The other reason I was quiet here was: I discovered the joy of Facebook. Only through sheer will power to forego half of the functions and use it like my basic internet "phone book" entry am I here now. You could waste days on that thing.

Of all the social networking sites on all the web, why did I have to sign up for this one? I suppose I didn't really get the point at first. MySpace pages seemed like blogs with no content and they assault your eyes and ears. (Your band isn't signed for a reason.) Facebook has a clean white layout and I could immediately see what was going to be useful about it. For any one of these sites to prosper, it's going to need a critical mass of people behind it and - to quote a friend who signed up recently - only "poor people and Lily Allen" use MySpace. Find me on Facebook under my real name.

I'm getting better with my new phone but still keep sending unfinished mis-spelt messages because the Clear and Send buttons are in the opposite places on my old Nokia. If you receive one, I'm not drunk.

My mail is opened, the bills are paid, the washing up's done, the laundry is on and my cupboards are no longer bare. I saw my doctor on Monday and I'm having my hair cut to match my Facebook profile tomorrow. I've had lunch with my mother, got drunk with my neighbour, been to a party in Brighton and, tonight, Phil and I will prove that you're never too old for a bit of Playstation 2. I've watched Rome, Jekyll, David Bowie in concert as Ziggy Stardust and The Kentucky Fried Movie. Plus, I've read fifty pages of a real book (the difficult kind by authors who can't draw).

This is precisely the kind of week I wanted and it's only Thursday.


Blogger The Paranoid Mod said...

How can you cut your hair to match your Facebook profile? Is there some quantum paradox at work here?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to grow my hair out to match my profile photo :)

Now that you got on me on Facebook, do you think you could rustle up some friends for me too? I thought more people I knew would be on there, but they're not. I don't have any friends here in NY that I can bug to join :(

Enjoy your time off. I'm sure you've earned it.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What on earth did I just say?? You got on me? Must be a Freudian thing.

Blogger thisismarcus said...

No complaints here, Kat :).


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