
Top Five Books

1. Catch-22: Joseph Heller
Alan Arkin gives the performance of a lifetime as Yossarian in the movie version but, like Johnny Depp in Fear And Lothing In Las Vegas, unfortunately he's the only reason worth watching. Do the books instead.
2. The Dice Man: Luke Rhinehart
What if, for every decision you make, you listed options and rolled a D6?
3. Interview With The Vampire: Anne Rice
The exchange of blood is a thinly-disguised metaphor for sexual intercourse. This book is steamy! Of course, Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt had that whole aspect of their characters' relationship excised from the screenplay to cover up their latent tendencies. The ass-hats.
4. Snowblind: Robert Sabbag
Real-life exploits of a reformed international drug dealer. Wanna get coke into the country? Infuse it in a white suit and wear it through customs!
5. Where I'm Calling From: Raymond Carver
I hope this is legal because it's an anthology of short stories, upon many of which the movie Short Cuts was based.

I don't read nearly enough.


Blogger Dave(id) said...

Very nice, #5- Carver. Big smile when I saw that one. I dug it out of my brother's box of books after he left home. At 12-13 years old it seemed forbidden to me. Don't recall a character in any of the stories who I didn't want to meet in real life, they all seemed so perfectly fucked up. Great stuff and fond memories, thanks for dredging them up!

Blogger thisismarcus said...

No problem. If you haven't seen the movie, it's a leisurely three hours of all-star goodness. For once, it did live up to the source material.

Blogger Dave(id) said...

Had never even heard of the movie, but it's now in my Netflix queue.


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