
Stating The Obvious

Hershey's Mr. Goodbar is (you guessed it) yet another peanut and chocolate confection. The front of the bright yellow plastic wrapper bears the splash "EASY OPEN - SEE BACK". On the back there's a small circle at one end saying "HOLD HERE" and nearby, at the edge of the flap, a small triangle says "LIFT & PULL HERE". If I've described it badly, what I'm looking at here is a standard wrapper with detailed instructions for the standard opening method. I am dumbfounded. Who doesn't know this already?

Mr. Goodbar is also a really dumb name, though it never hurts to plant the seed that your product is "good", subliminally or otherwise!


Blogger GiromiDe said...

Am I the only one who finds that Mr. Goodbar has no discernable flavor?

And, yes, British chocolate bars are better.

Blogger DrHeimlich said...

Chipotle is a "burrito bar" chain (started in the Denver area, but making its way across the nation bit by bit) that puts instructions for tearing open tin foil on all its bags and napkins.

I think this sort of thing is supposed to be kitsch. Then again, maybe they think some people are that stupid.

And they're probably not wrong...

Blogger The Paranoid Mod said...

I noticed in someone's car on the weekend that the American practice of putting "Objects can appear close than they are" on wing mirrors has found its way over here.
It is difficult to cover every possible lawsuit, I suppose, but really.

Blogger GiromiDe said...

Be not mistaken. Chipotle is McDonald's attempt to make amends with the public.

And the "Objects are closer" message was on mirrors before America turned into a litigious free-for-all.

Blogger Kathy said...

I would like to report that Hershey's Milk Chocolate with Almonds bar also has opening instructions. I turned it around to the other end and cut it open with my desk scissors, just to be spiteful.

And the best use of that "objects in mirror may be..." thingie was of course, in Jurassic Park.

Blogger thisismarcus said...

Let us not forget when you buy a coffee and the cup says, "CAUTION: CONTENTS MAY BE HOT." They should add "WET" and "& TASTE LIKE COFFEE".


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