
Sweet Irony!

The best boss I ever had took me to lunch on my last full day in America because she couldn't make it to my going away drinking session. I would never have had the opportunity to transfer to the U.S. office if it weren't for her faith in me. She's "gone to bat" for me on issues both professional and personal. I can't say enough nice things about Monica. (Did I mention she's a hottie too? When I said I'd like to work under her again, the double entendre was completely intentional.) She brought four others to Guadalajara's with her: two married men from our old jobs and two single women she works with now. I ate chimichangas.

After lunch, I sent her my e-mail address and this U.R.L. I also kidded her for keeping her good-looking single friends secret from me for so long. One was more my type than anyone I'd met in a looooong time and, as we were eating, my right brain had had flights of fantasy totally inappropriate for Emigration Day -1. To my surprise, Monica responded with "she says you're her type too". Oh, headfuck! Did I mention I was about to leave the country for the foreseeable future, and Norfolk perhaps forever? Because I was.

Flashforward to The Winchester that evening and I'm talking to all my favourite people: my fellow immigrants, my musketeers, my dads-by-default, my music and smoking buddies, the waitress I'd crushed on since forever, friends who wouldn't date me despite my best efforts yet still turned out to see me off... it was a real rogues gallery. I was having a blast already when She Who Will Remain Nameless (Unless She Leaves A Comment) arrived and from that point on no-one else listed above saw very much of me! (Well, Justin got something from me but he closed his eyes like a gentleman should.) And I didn't hear one complaint. (Not counting Justin.) Now that's what I call support!

The world's so small these days and the future's so big that we decided to skip the tearful goodbyes. Why get sad about making great friendships, whether they be 12 months or 12 hours old? The irony of discovering the most compatible romantic possibility in six months was not lost on me but what's a boy to do? Hope I can spend more time with her when I'm sober some day? Sure. Dream a lot? Trust me, I'm on it! Laugh with me now, people, or I might have a tearful moment after all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Marcus, every double entendre coming from you is intentional.:) You're very good at making them.

Just because the world works in inconvenient ways doesn't mean it works in impossible ways. You never know (says the queen of hopeless dreamers, herself). Life is long, my friend, and we've all quite a few possibilities ahead of ourselves. The world may just find a way of transplanting you, yet again.

And mad props for not being cynical about the situation--you should do nothing but relish good moments, no matter how fleeting.

Shit, did I just get all sappy on you? Don't know where that came from...I'm going to grade papers before I get too sugar-coated and start giving everyone As.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never understood sad good byes. Maybe it's because I'm really a sociopath. I think if you have a great time, have a great evening with someone and then it's suddenly over, you would be doing that memory a disgrace to be sad over it.

On another note, I've been to Guadalajara's! Are there more than one in Norfolk? I went to visit a friend there and she took me there--just a mile or so from her apartment I think. How fun.

Blogger thisismarcus said...

Wait! When were you in Norfolk? I only know one Guad downtown and I thought it was quite new. There could be others elsewhere. Did your friend live in Ghent?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, it appears there are multiple Guad's. The friend actually lives in Virginia Beach, and that's where the Guad's was that I went to.

I visited her back in March this year. I've been there once before, a couple years ago too. She took me both times to a place I think is in downtown Norfolk--Magnolia's (gosh, I think that's the name). Sound familiar?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marcus, this is the sort of talk that makes a girl want to do crazy things like hop on a plane. Maybe I should take up a collection? :) I do laugh at the irony - what else can you do? - and I hope to do so again while in your company.

Blogger thisismarcus said...

Yay! "She" left a comment! Definitely start that collection. By the time I have my own place again, hopefully the jar will be full. From what I hear, Monica will contribute!

There's plenty more to be said but I guess we should take it to e-mail before someone ELSE tells us to get a room :).

Blogger thisismarcus said...

IIRC Magnolia's is a steak house in Ghent, about a mile away from where I lived. Though why anyone would name a restaurant after a film about child abuse I have no idea!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent. I'll put the jar on my desk at work and we'll see what happens. Too funny! BTW, you said "Yay!" Very cute - I thought only girls did that. ;)


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