
The Awesome Jar

We went to The Curry House in Brislington on Saturday and, having come directly from The Black Castle pub, I asked the waiter where the bathroom was. He didn't flinch but my friends giggled muchly because Britons simply say "toilet". (On Monday I stayed with a friend in London and corrected myself on this point but he corrected me back because there was, in fact, also a bath in the room.)

Earlier I'd said "awesome" instead of whatever chav phrase is currently in vogue and I'm still thinking and speaking in dollars. Thus was born The Awesome Jar. It's theoretical at this point (for reasons of cashflow) but every time I let slip such an Americanism I'm supposed to throw a pound into the pot. But don't blog about it or anything, or this could get costly on my ass.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding toilet vs. bathroom: I found this amusing when I was abroad last year. Toilet just sounds so vulgar to us Americans, and that's not an easy task!

The end result is the same, though, so who cares?


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