
Reverse Perkology

SJ and I must have reputations as workaholics who don't, in fact, spend most of the week working from home because Head Office sent us both an expensive BlackBerry - hereafter "Strawberry" because the notion of paying more to recieve email on-the-go and outside of work hours when I'm really not that committed and I have a phone for emergencies is ridiculous to me. (Breathe.)

The week they arrived we got a memo to go easy on the expenses* for a while. Sweet irony. Boss Man is all up into being in touch all the time (though he is paid to feel that way) and he got jealous at my shiny new slice of technology compared to his black plastic brick. I told him he could put it on the desk near me in meetings and I'd make it look like mine belonged to him. He threw me out.

I've identified a colleague who goes to more meetings than me and I'm trying to pass the Strawberry off on her so I don't have to carry it around. I'll offer to reconfigure it for her and then work out how to do that.

For no particular reason other than she could, HK applied for membership at a cash-and-carry outlet for the whole office and eight cards arrived by return of post. They must need the business! But I need to go there and buy things within four weeks to activate my memberhsip, making it less of a perk and more of an unwanted bill.

*The last thing I want is to start a rumour that U.D.E. is in trouble and I'm some kind of corporate jinx. Just last week my office achieved its annual operating target with three months of selling still to do. We're tightening our belts to ensure we have a profitable year, which is the kind of forward thinking my last employer could have benefitted from (and that's so easy to say in full hindsight).


Blogger Basquiat Scrawls said...

i have never seen such a pile of bullshit as the blackberry promotion website, please tell me nobody really buys that ridiculous 'meet Adam' sales pitch.
Maybe i'm being dum but how the hell is strawberry a metaphor for more expensive technology that you don't need???

Blogger Basquiat Scrawls said...

Do you like the way i did that? the deliberate spelling mistake to prove stupidity...honest!

Blogger thisismarcus said...

It's less of a metaphor and more that I don't respect the trend so I've given it a silly name. Would "raspberry" be better?

Blogger James Lindsay said...

Yes, I believe Rspberry would be much more appropriate. I was once convinced to buy myself a Palm... It's not quite as useful as I was led to believe.

Blogger The Paranoid Mod said...

Where's Zaphod?! We could have a quorum here.

I'd go with Snozzberry myself.

Blogger thisismarcus said...

Arthur: Is it really you? Every time I pick up the bottle, you disappear!

I think this is the first time in two years that I had a comment from another Hitch-Hiker. I was just about to post about how H2G2 crosses into the real world too (no shit, I have a draft saved) and I'll include some blogs with names like mine has too. So stick around, ape man!

Mod: How about Shrewsbury?

Blogger James Lindsay said...

Thanks for the hey-ho! My fiancee (who actually just started blogging and still hasn't quite got the gist of needing to update more than every two months) is (oddly enough) using the name Fenchurch, while one of my students who has adopted me flies under the flag of Random "Frequent Flier" Dent.

It's a small galaxy after all... :D


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