
The W.E.E.E. Directive

I had a guest to stay recently and we did Bristol. It was a new experience for me to view the city I grew up in through tourists' eyes. We saw Brunel's Suspension Bridge from far away and then up close, Christmas Steps, Millennium Square and too many churches. With the aid of The Naked Guide To Bristol we found an art deco building in the middle of the financial district, Cary Grant and an odd faceless sculpture.

Best was The W.E.E.E. Man, designed to promote the new Waste from Electrical & Electronic Equipment Directive which takes effect next year. His body represents the amount of e-products the average human being will throw away in a lifetime. If you can't tell, his teeth are computer mice. I love that it's grotesque too, as if to deter children from making waste in case they give life to another such monster!

The publisher of the Naked Guides is an old acquaintance and I've been invited to help his team research Bristol's pubs for the next edition, all day tomorrow. That's right: Ford Prefect, in the field, working on updates to The Guide with the aid of alcohol. Hoopy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You get "research" pubs? Most excellent! Now if you got paid to do it, that would be even better!

Blogger Trundling Grunt said...

Let me guess - the entry for Bristol will read "Mostly harmless"?

The WEEE man is very cool and Brunel was a genius.

Blogger Brad said...

I love that type of research!

Color me jealous.

Blogger The Paranoid Mod said...

Damn, tg, you took my joke...

Blogger C said...

WEEE man creeps me out, but the bridge pics are beautiful! :-)

Wow - researching pubs? Dream job!! You really are Ford Prefect. I think for one of the judging criteria you should rate their reaction to your reenactment of the whole "end of the world" scene Ford makes. Could be fun!


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